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Secondary Section


Home Secondary Section

Secondary Section

Our Lower Secondary section will consist of S1, S2 and S3 from 2021, and focuses on providing high quality provision of the Rwandan curriculum subjects:

  1. English
  2. Kinyarwanda
  3. Kiswahili
  4. French
  5. Mathematics


  1. Chemistry
  2. Physics
  3. Biology
  4. Geography
  5. History
  6. Entrepreneurship
  7. ICT


Learning Environment

Our Secondary students thrive in an environemnt of collaborative learning where every student voice is valued and knowledge is shared.


Inclusive Education

We continue to support all students, even at secondary level, according to their individual needs. The education of every student is important to us and we strive to support all students in the best way possible. Teachers provide a differentiated curriculum with different levels of challenge to support learners at different levels. Additional teaching support is frequently given to individual students or groups, to support their learning needs and ensure they make as much progress as possible.


Information and Communication Technology

At Umubano Academy we embrace the use of ICT to assist and support learning in the classroom. Each student has access to a laptop during class and teachers are able to utilise the data projector and sound equipment to bring lessons to involve each student in the lesson.


Extra Curricular Activities

Secondary students are able to engage in a variery of extra curricula activities and take part in a number of locally organised events, debates and discussions. We also offer various other activities as a way to extend our curriculum every Friday afternoon. Students also take part in Inter-school competitions and help nurture the crops in our food garden.


Pupil Voice

At Umubano Academy we value the input of every student. Circle meetings are led by students on a weekly basis, during which time all students participate in discussions about important issues that affect Umubano Academy students, Rwandans and the wider world.


Parental Engagement

Involving the parents in the education of their children is vital part of ensuring children receive the best education they can. Parents are always welcome to visit the school to discuss the progress of their children. In addition to this, we hold termly General Assembly Meetings of Parents, invite our parents to attend training at school and have an active Parent Teacher Association. Please contact the office if you would like to join our PTA.

Independent & Cooperative Learning

Students learn how to work together and independently to accomplish tasks, both in and outside of the classroom.

Critical Thinking

We encourage children to develop problem solving skills from an early age so they can apply their minds to any of life's challenges.

Peace Education

Our message of peace is advocated in everything we do and corporal punishment is never used at our school.
